2008 Travel and Hospitality Expenses Reports

For Christiane Ouimet - Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Travel expenses – From September 2, 2008 to December 1, 2008

Total travel costs for this period: $3,364.53

Purpose:  Meetings/Presentations to Crown Corporation (Farm Credit Canada), Saskatchewan Federal Council (Middle Managers) and University of Manitoba & Regina Students. 
Date(s):  From October 21 to 24, 2008
Destination(s):  Regina, SK
Air Fare:  $2,320.70
Other Transportation:  $183.00
Accommodation:  $676.28
Meals and incidentals:  $184.55
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $3,364.53

Hospitality expenses – From September 2, 2008 to December 1, 2008

Total hospitality costs for this period: $34.78

Description: Working dinner sponsored by the Commissioner and paid by the General Counsel ($340.62) with judiciary representatives and Queensland Commissioner to discuss the symposium, issues of common concern and to give our Australian visitor further information about the Canadian justice system. 
Date(s): September 22, 2008
Attendee(s): 5 (2 Government of Canada employee(s), 3 guest(s))
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Total Cost: $0.00

Description: Meeting with the Auditor General to discuss Governance, Small Agencies and Audit Committee 
Date(s): September 2, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (2 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Total Cost: $34.78

Travel expenses – From June 2, 2008 to September 1, 2008

Total travel expenses for this period: $4,581.30

Purpose:  1. To attend International Conference of Francophone decision-makers, Judges and Heads of Tribunals-Theme: Law and Ethics-in Strasbourg; Please note: accommodation costs of $1,600.03 (Strasbourg hotel, pre-paid in conference fee) 2. Meeting with the United Nations Organization on the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Ethics to define the mandate and contribution of the Commission; 3. Bilateral Meeting with Austrian colleague and presentation to Embassy personnel; 4. Meeting with European colleague 
Date(s):  From June 24 to July 5, 2008
Destination(s):  Frankfurt, Germany; Vienna, Austria; Strasbourg, France
Air Fare:  $2,128.07
Other Transportation:  $247.00
Accommodation:  $589.69
Meals and incidentals:  $1,207.47
Other:  $21.59
TOTAL:  $4,193.82

Purpose:  To make a presentation at the Canada Revenue Agency - Quebec Region Middle Managers' Forum 
Date(s):  June 11, 2008
Destination(s):  Laval, QC
Air Fare:  $0.00
Other Transportation:  $171.15
Accommodation:  $0.00
Meals and incidentals:  $0.00
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $171.15

Purpose:  Strategic planning of executives 
Date(s):  From June 9 to 10, 2008
Destination(s):  Wakefield, QC
Air Fare:  $0.00
Other Transportation:  $0.00
Accommodation:  $181.73
Meals and incidentals:  $34.60
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $216.33

Hospitality expenses – From June 2, 2008 to September 1, 2008

Total hospitality costs for this period: $484.22

Description: Meeting with Senior Official of a Crown Corporation to discuss PSIC International Symposium scheduled for 2010 
Date(s): August 28, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (2 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $60.71

Description: Discussion meeting and advice on corporate governance 
Date(s): July 29, 2008
Attendee(s): 4 (2 Government of Canada employee(s), 2 guest(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $76.67

Description: Lunch meeting with two Office Officials and an external Consultant to discuss Internal Communications Strategy and Follow-up - Organizational Changes 
Date(s): July 24, 2008
Attendee(s): 4 (3 Government of Canada employee(s), 1 guest(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $57.48

Description: Breakfast meeting with representative of the Leadership Network to discuss Networking and Prevention 
Date(s): July 9, 2008
Attendee(s): 3 (3 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $20.84

Description: Dinner meeting with official from Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Office of Internal Oversight 
Date(s): June 26, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (1 Government of Canada employee(s), 1 guest(s))
Location: Vienna, Austria
Total Cost: $83.55

Description: Lunch meeting with a consultant - Advisory Services on HR Model 
Date(s): June 18, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (1 Government of Canada employee(s), 1 guest(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $77.10

Description: Working dinner with a former judge to obtain guidance regarding the legal framework of the mandate 
Date(s): June 8, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (1 Government of Canada employee(s), 1 guest(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $107.87

Travel expenses – From March 2, 2008 to June 1, 2008

Total travel costs for this period: $8,703.37

Purpose:  To attend the Conference Board Ethics Council Meeting 
Date(s):  From May 13 to 14, 2008
Destination(s):  Montreal, QC
Air Fare:  $0.00
Other Transportation:  $199.90
Accommodation:  $229.29
Meals and incidentals:  $17.30
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $446.49

Purpose:  To do outreach with public sector managers and regional employees and meet with a member of the academic community (Vancouver) and to meet with a member of the academic community and with provincial counterparts (Winnipeg) 
Date(s):  From April 20 to 23, 2008
Destination(s):  Vancouver, BC/Winnipeg, MB
Air Fare:  $3,283.60
Other Transportation:  $96.08
Accommodation:  $477.10
Meals and incidentals:  $220.40
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $4,077.18

Purpose:  To make presentations at the following four organizations: Halifax Regional Council; New Brunswick Senior Officers Orientation Session; Eastern Quebec Tax Services Office; and the Quebec Federal Council 
Date(s):  From March 25 to 28, 2008
Destination(s):  Halifax, NS/ Fredericton, NB/Montreal, QC/Quebec, QC
Air Fare:  $2,315.72
Other Transportation:  $273.50
Accommodation:  $395.23
Meals and incidentals:  $277.65
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $3,262.10

Purpose:  Presentation at the Ontario Federal Council 
Date(s):  March 3, 2008
Destination(s):  Toronto, ON
Air Fare:  $787.47
Other Transportation:  $100.18
Accommodation:  $0.00
Meals and incidentals:  $13.45
Other:  $16.50
TOTAL:  $917.60

Hospitality expenses – From March 2, 2008 to June 1, 2008

Total hospitality costs for this period: $295.71

Description: Working lunch with the Inspector General of Public Safety to discuss security issues 
Date(s): May 20, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (2 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $55.00

Description: Working breakfast with an academic and one public servant to discuss the 2008 Roundtable research projects 
Date(s): April 23, 2008
Attendee(s): 3 (2 Government of Canada employee(s), 1 guest(s))
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Total Cost: $44.79

Description: Working lunch with a consultant to discuss APEX Consultation and Public Sector Integrity issues 
Date(s): April 14, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (1 Government of Canada employee(s), 1 guest(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $38.18

Description: Working lunch with a Public Service Commission official to discuss small agencies and shared services 
Date(s): April 2, 2008
Attendee(s): 2 (2 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Ottawa, ON
Total Cost: $27.30

Description: Working breakfast with Provincial Ombudsman officials to discuss Ombudsman functions 
Date(s): March 27, 2008
Attendee(s): 0 ()
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Fredericton, NB
Total Cost: $40.28

Description: Refreshment for participants of the Halifax Regional Council presentation 
Date(s): March 26, 2008
Attendee(s): 0 ()
Location: As You Like It, Halifax, NS
Total Cost: $50.00

Description: Working lunch with a former official from the Canadian Human Rights Commission to discuss governance and institution building and dealing with related challenges 
Date(s): March 3, 2008
Attendee(s): 0 ()
Location: Hemispheres, Toronto ON
Total Cost: $40.16


Travel expenses – From December 2, 2007 to March 1, 2008

Total travel costs for this period: $2,240.75

Purpose:  To make presentations to the participants of the University of Calgary Academic Managers Roundtable, the Members of the National Energy Board and the Calgary Federal Council Members as part of our Outreach and Education program  
Date(s):  From January 22 to 24, 2008
Destination(s):  Calgary AB
Air Fare:  $691.41
Other Transportation:  $147.00
Accommodation:  $337.90
Meals and incidentals:  $194.50
Other:  $8.71
TOTAL:  $1,379.52

Purpose:  To give a presentation to representatives of Renaud-Foster and representatives of Laval University regarding corporate governance 
Date(s):  From January 15 to 17, 2008
Destination(s):  Montreal QC and Quebec City QC
Air Fare:  $0.00
Other Transportation:  $324.33
Accommodation:  $406.00
Meals and incidentals:  $130.90
Other:  $0.00
TOTAL:  $861.23

Hospitality expenses – From December 2, 2007 to March 1, 2008

Total hospitality costs for this period: $239.00

Description: Working dinner with a representative from the Canadian Forces Grievance Board to discuss governance issues 
Date(s): February 6, 2008
Attendee(s): 10 (10 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Le Café, Ottawa ON
Total Cost: $38.12

Description: Working dinner with a representative from the provincial government to discuss the mandate and role of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 
Date(s): January 15, 2008
Attendee(s): 1 (1 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Restaurant S, Montreal QC
Total Cost: $86.35

Description: Working lunch with two consultants to discuss Governance issues, Agencies and Crown Corporations and Annual Report 
Date(s): December 13, 2007
Attendee(s): 3 (1 Government of Canada employee(s), 2 guest(s))
Location: Parliamentary Restaurant, Ottawa ON
Total Cost: $87.02

Description: Working lunch with an Agent of Parliament to discuss governance issues 
Date(s): December 7, 2007
Attendee(s): 2 (2 Government of Canada employee(s))
Location: Toulouse French Bistro, Ottawa ON
Total Cost: $27.51